I just want to post all my cosplay plans in here.
Ranked according to priority. XDDD
Completed Costumes:

1. Sakura Mikan (uniform)- Alice Academy (no wig yet)
-In need of a decent photo shoot. XDDD

2. Enma Ai (kimono)- Jigoku Shoujo (with wig)
-In need of a photo shoot. XDDD

3. Girly Super Mario- Super Mario Bros.
-I need a girl Luigi~ and a photoshoot. XDD
On the process of completion:
Ranked according to priority. XDDD
Completed Costumes:

1. Sakura Mikan (uniform)- Alice Academy (no wig yet)
-In need of a decent photo shoot. XDDD

2. Enma Ai (kimono)- Jigoku Shoujo (with wig)
-In need of a photo shoot. XDDD

3. Girly Super Mario- Super Mario Bros.
-I need a girl Luigi~ and a photoshoot. XDD
On the process of completion:

1. Akiyama Mio (uniform) -K-on (with wig)
~To cosplay with Argenn as Yui Hirasawa; Chime as Azusa Nakano; Guila as Ritsu Tainaka; Marian as Tsumugi Kotobuki
-Photoshoot on 1st/2nd week of December 2011

2. Kuronuma Sawako (uniform) Kimi ni Todoke (with wig)
~(not yet confirmed) with Marian as Kurumizawa Ume
WANTED: Kazehaya Shota, Chizuru, Ayane :)
-To be worn on Deviance Day (not sure)
Future Plans (next year, earlier than that, or during the following years XD)

1. Kagamine Rin (Love Ward)- Vocaloid
~To cosplay with Argenn as Megurine Luka; Jill as Meiko; Rose as Hatsune Miku,Chime as Gumi Megpoid ; Guila as Kasane Teto (not yet confirmed)
WANTED: Gakupo, Len, and Kaito. :))))
-To be cosplayed during December next year.
2. Hey Say 7 Girl Version of Hey Say Jump's Costume in "Arigato Sekai no Doko ni Itemo"
~to cosplay with all Syndrome (if possible) XD

3. Rin Kagamine sailor outfit

[Tentative] 4. Chii (uniform) -Chobits

5. K-on Maid Costume (as Mio Akiyama)
I hope this won't remain as plans. I have to start saving A LOT now. =)))))
~To cosplay with Argenn as Yui Hirasawa; Chime as Azusa Nakano; Guila as Ritsu Tainaka; Marian as Tsumugi Kotobuki
-Photoshoot on 1st/2nd week of December 2011

2. Kuronuma Sawako (uniform) Kimi ni Todoke (with wig)
~(not yet confirmed) with Marian as Kurumizawa Ume
WANTED: Kazehaya Shota, Chizuru, Ayane :)
-To be worn on Deviance Day (not sure)
Future Plans (next year, earlier than that, or during the following years XD)

1. Kagamine Rin (Love Ward)- Vocaloid
~To cosplay with Argenn as Megurine Luka; Jill as Meiko; Rose as Hatsune Miku,Chime as Gumi Megpoid ; Guila as Kasane Teto (not yet confirmed)
WANTED: Gakupo, Len, and Kaito. :))))
-To be cosplayed during December next year.

~to cosplay with all Syndrome (if possible) XD

3. Rin Kagamine sailor outfit

[Tentative] 4. Chii (uniform) -Chobits

5. K-on Maid Costume (as Mio Akiyama)
I hope this won't remain as plans. I have to start saving A LOT now. =)))))